Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Future Ethics (or WTF is a Vulcan?)

Ethics in the year 2009. Was there such a time?

Were I writing in the year 2009, personal and moral ethics would be much more simple. However, in this year 2309, things have changed.

Abortion is completely legal. That is, if the courts say so. Every abortion applicant is surveyed, tested to see if their situation is improper for a child. Then the paper work goes all the way to Congress and by the time it makes it's way off the floor, approved or not, the baby is born anyway. At least there are no debates about the legality of it anymore.

Marijuana is also legal. It's sold in every corner market. It's a popular spice in the most common foods, actually.

Alien marriage? Debatable. While I, myself, see no problem with an Earth human marrying an I.E.T. (Immigrant Extra Terrestrial), others think that it is a disgrace and marriage should be kept between an Earth human and another Earth human. As long as they didn't find a hole in the O-Zone layer and land illegally, go for it in my opinion. My best friend is even Martian, and it's disgusting the rights he is denied. I look forward to the day we have a Venusian-American president! They are, of course, the most intellectual species of the universe.

Viva la S45Hlam

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